These notes are a compilation and summary of the comments made during our Council Meeting. It is not meant to be a complete transcript.  

Questions to consider: Are you aware of the upcoming changes? Do you understand what we have been asked to do? Do those you minister to know about the changes? If they are aware, do they understand?

Please remember the importance of our Relief Society Meetings. Starting in January we will only be meeting together twice a month.

Consider President Nelson’s words from last conference: “You, my dear sisters are a key to the success of the new, balanced, and coordinated gospel-teaching effort. Please teach those whom you love what you are learning from the scriptures. And teach them how to draw upon the Savior’s strengthening power every day of their lives.”

  • Women are the core of the family. Things get done at home because we make them happen.
  • Women have the gift of nurturing, both physical and spiritual. Sometimes we forget the spiritual aspect. Although this is a gift from God we can sometimes still feel overwhelmed, which causes us to lose our patience. We can ask the Lord to help us, to breathe, pause, and remember why we do what we do.
  • The Family Proclamation states the role of women: “By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed.”

How does this role, as nurturer and as teachers, make you feel?

  • Powerful. We should be amazed by who we are and who we can become.
  • I don’t feel this will be any different than the way things are being done in my home right now.
  • Men and women are different. We balance each other; we have complimentary gifts. The men in our lives can feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities too.
  • No matter our circumstances we should seek personal revelation for ourselves and for how we can bless and help those we love. We come together as sisters to support each other and to share what is working in our own homes. There is no other place like Relief Society, no comparable sisterhood.

What do the scriptures mean to you? How have you been blessed by scripture study? Why do you read the scriptures?

  • When I read the Book of Mormon I feel closer to God. When I read in the morning it makes a difference in my day.
  • It is a way I receive personal revelation. If I am struggling or have a questions I can often find verses that give me answers.
  • Different times in our lives may require a new approach.
  • If you are only “reading the scriptures” I don’t think it is enough. I think you need to have gospel study. We can gain greater knowledge and understanding by using other resources to support and supplement our scripture reading. We can use seminary manuals, resources available on They are a blessing.
  • God may not give us a powerful witness every time we read, we don’t always get “Alma the Younger experiences.” But we can be strengthened through small promptings and testimony strengthening witnesses.
  • The Savior is our perfect example.
    • President Eyring said, “For sisters in every stage of life’s journey, in every family situation, and across every culture, the Savior is your perfect example of how you will play a major part in His move to place greater emphasis on gospel learning in the home and family.

      You will bring your inherent feeling of charity into changes in activities and practices in your family. That will bring greater spiritual growth. When you pray with and for family members, you will feel your and the Savior’s love for them. That will become more and more your spiritual gift as you seek it. Your family members will feel it as you pray with greater faith.”

How are you going to do this (the new Come Follow Me study curriculum)? What needs to change? What can be added, adjusted, altered?

  • At tithing settlement the bishop gave us the manual. We’ve been told to read the lesson before we come to church. We can follow the schedule that is already given in the book.
  • We plan to use the time before church to study. Our tradition, especially with later church meeting times, is to have a nice family breakfast, then clear it away and begin our study.
  • Some sisters are involving their extended family in their plans, especially when they get together with family on Sunday evenings.
  • With a husband in the bishopric it means my Sundays will all be different. We cannot plan. We can’t have a set time because of commitments and meetings. We want to be faithful to what the Lord has asked us to do. I feel the Lord is asking, “Will you remain faithful, even though this will be difficult?” Because I know some days might be an amazing experience and other days the kids will just sit there. We want to meet with family, with friends sometimes, to get different perspectives.
  • We have all week to prepare. If we wait until Sunday to prepare we will be in trouble. It is supposed to be an everyday learning and becoming.
  • Elder Bednar taught it is most important to be consistent. We need to learn that habit of learning and having gospel discussions.
  • Are we living the gospel every day? We can have these conversations at work, at school, in our ministering efforts.
  • We have a combined meeting next week to discuss the Come Follow Me-For Families and Individuals. This is an invitations to look at the manual and start thinking and making plans, so that our meeting next week will be more meaningful and effective.
  • Preparation will help you feel the spirit and receive revelation.

As we pray and seriously do what the Lord has asked, we will be blessed. Jesus Christ lives and he loves us. This is why we are here: to come to know Christ and become more like him. He will inspire you for what you need in your home. He is pleased with your efforts. Right now, right here, he is okay with you. He knows you. He loves you.