Join us for Stake Conference Sunday, April 11, 2021 via ZOOM starting at 10:00 AM. Because of COVID-19 guidelines we will be having Stake Conference via video. Elder Kevin J. Worthen, of the Seventy and 13th president of Brigham Young University and will be presiding.

The Leadership Session will be Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM at the Stake Center.

In order to adhere to local COVID-19 guidelines of 150 persons or less, the following persons are invited to attend in person

Elders Quorum Presidencies
Ward Relief Society Presidencies
Ward Primary President
Ward YW President
High Council
Stake Presidency
Stake YW President
Stake RS President
Stake Primary President

The Stake is inviting the following persons to attend via ZOOM from 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Ward Elder’s Quorum Secretaries
Ward Relief Society Secretaries 
Stake Young Women Presidency Counselors/Secretary
Stake Relief Society Presidency Counselors/Secretary
Stake Primary Presidency Counselors/Secretary
Ward Primary Presidency Counselors/Secretaries
Ward Young Women Presidency Counselors/Secretaries
Ward Clerks 
Ward Executive Secretaries