Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are excited to share further details of our plans to return back to our Sunday worship services.  We know there is strength in worshipping together and we are grateful for the opportunity to see each of you. At this time, we have received authorization from the First Presidency, our Area Presidency, and our Stake Presidency to resume monthly Sacrament Meetings in small groups.

Please note there is no requirement to attend an in-person meeting for those of you in high-risk groups or for those who are simply uncomfortable attending group gatherings at this time.  If you choose not to participate at this time in these gatherings, you will continue to have the authorization to administer the sacrament (or to have the sacrament administered) in your home setting each week.  If you need assistance with sacrament administration in your home, please contact a member of the Bishopric, Elders Quorum Presidency or Relief Society Presidency so it can be arranged.

Elder David A. Bednar recently discussed the necessity of gathering and his comments can be viewed by clicking here or watch below.  We encourage all to view this short, 2 minute video.

Please prayerfully consider your individual and family circumstances to determine the best course of action for your situation.  We will take recommended precautions to ensure the health and safety of those who choose to meet at the stake center, and believe these measures will make the church as safe or safer than any other area where people congregate, including stores, parks, and other locations.  

Under our approved stake plan, each of the units that occupy the stake center (5th Ward, 8th Ward, 9th Ward, and 10th Branch) will have an assigned Sunday each month to occupy the building.  The 5th Ward has been approved to begin our monthly meetings Sunday, June 14th, and we will meet once a month on the 2nd Sunday of the month until further notice.  We will have two 50 minute sacrament meetings on our assigned Sunday, and each meeting may be presided over by a different member of the bishopric. This plan allows each member the opportunity at least once per month for all who wish to attend and receive the ordinance of the sacrament at the prescribed meeting time for their group. 

Westbrook 5th Ward Sacrament Meeting Schedule*
9:30 am to 10:20 am – Families where the last name of the head of household begins with the letters A-H.
11:00 am to 11:50 am – Families where the last name of the head of household begins with the letters I-Z.

If you have questions about when your family is assigned to meet, please contact Brother Michael Christensen or Brother Brad Bona.

* May be changed based on emerging guidelines from local and/or church authorities.

Sacrament Meeting Guidelines

In order to make our worship services safe and comfortable, we have put together some additional guidelines listed below outlining the precautions we are asking all those attending to follow. We encourage you to read and discuss these guidelines with your family. 

1.    Remember Sacrament Meeting attendance is strictly voluntary. If you are uncomfortable, at high risk or not feeling well, please stay at home.

2.    All members are encouraged to wear protective masks (please refer to the letter from the Utah Area Presidency about wearing face masks that was emailed recently).  Bottles of hand sanitizer will be available in the building for your use.

3.    Strive to maintain the 6-foot distance from others while entering, exiting and moving about the building. Also strive to maintain appropriate distance when seated by those who are not part of the same family group or living in the same home.

4.    Members should enter the building through the south side foyer.  Members who require parking for individuals with disabilities may park on the west side of the building and may enter through the west door by the stake offices.

5.    In order to practice safe social distancing, signs will be attached to the pews to show where members can sit. Seating in the chapel will be done in a way to have an empty pew between occupied ones for the safe and orderly passing of the sacrament.  Chairs will also be set up in the overflow for families to sit together. Ushers will be present to assist in finding seating if needed.

6.    Since chairs and other seating will be arranged according to safe distancing guidelines. However, we encourage members to wear protective masks when moving about within the church building.

7.    The Aaronic/Melchizedek priesthood brethren will be given special training in preparing and passing the Sacrament.  We encourage parents with smaller children to assist in handling the emblems of bread and water for their children.

8.    While in the chapel and overflow, please prevent smaller children from straying to other areas and to other families.

9.    Please do not congregate in the parking lot or building before/after meetings. Please be mindful that other groups may be exiting or entering the parking lot and building in close proximity to your arrival and departure and we desire to protect each other. Your courtesy in allowing others to exit prior to your entrance will be appreciated.

10.  Since we will be cleaning high touch points throughout the church between meetings, we ask that you vacate the church promptly after the meeting concludes to allow ample time to complete this process prior to the start of the next meeting

11.  We encourage you to bring your own digital hymnbook as printed hymnals will not be available.

We are so excited to be able to gather again as a ward family in our worship, and are pleased with the positive developments in our recovery from the pandemic.  May the Lord’s blessings continue to be upon you, your family, and our ward family.

With Love,
Westbrook 5th Ward Bishopric