Sherisse Meier-

Many years ago my job situation was so uncertain.  I remember having a heavy heart as I pondered the prospects of what to do and where to turn.  One day in my mind, while on a break at work, I heard the words “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths for good.”

My heart was touched, and I felt these words from Proverbs chapter 3 were true for me.  I have recited those verses of scripture out loud to myself every day for the last several weeks.  These words still provide peace amid uncertainty.

We live in amazing times.  President Nelson has asked us each to have hope during these times and to fast, if we could, on the Friday after this April General Conference.  I, like many of you, fasted.  That evening before we went to bed, I felt such a calm, peaceful feeling overcome me knowing everything will be okay.  Do I know what that means or what it looks like?  No, I do not, but I cannot deny the peace that came into my heart and soul.

I testify Joseph Smith is the first prophet of this last dispensation of times, and President Russell M. Nelson is our living prophet on the earth today.  I know President Nelson received guidance, wisdom, and direction from our older brother, Jesus Christ.  This is Jesus Christ’s church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I testify He lives and is in the details of our lives if we will let Him enter.  May our eyes and hearts be open to see His “tender mercies” in our lives even amid these challenging times.

I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and the opportunity to read from its pages often.  The spirit of this book has brought peace to my soul during this pandemic.  I testify The Book of Mormon is true and is another testament of Jesus Christ.

May we each stay true, be safe, and feel peace until we can worship together again as a ward family in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.