-Erin Johnson-

I’m so thankful for the opportunity I’ve had to prepare and ponder on what to share. With so much happening in the world with Covid-19, social distancing and so much uncertainty and then also so much happening to strengthen us with having the sacrament in our homes, studying about Joseph Smith and the First Vision, two seperate days of worldwide fasting, general conference and so much more… I almost feel like I’ve been caught in a whirlwind because of the amount of stress and anxiety all around, but also feeling the spiritual high from so much goodness and peace that is overtaking the uncertainty. It’s humbling.

As I’ve been thinking about the chaos and the calm a few things have really stood out to me. First, none of the joy and peace that I’ve felt throughout my life, especially during trials, would be possible without the Savior, Jesus Christ. I will never be able to express how much I love Him and appreciate the sacrifices He made for me. I’m so grateful for the opportunity He has given me to repent and move forward and past my sins. I’m forever indebted for the blessing of peace I feel through trials and literal modern plagues. I know that because of Him there isn’t a single thing that can’t be overcome and because of that knowledge I can turn to Him and feel joy even in the darkest of times. In this last conference, Elder Ballard said, “It may be that they came to know God through their suffering in ways that could not have happened without it.” I have felt this in so many times. Because I have turned to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ during the darkest times, I have learned that I can ALWAYS rely on them. The peace that comes from that knowledge has blessed me throughout my whole life. Literally, the burdens of trials are lifted when I realize I don’t have to carry them alone.

Second, I am so grateful for the challenge to study Joseph Smith’s life and the experience he had in the Sacred grove with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that it wasn’t a coincidence that President Nelson asked us to study this topic when he did. As I studied, something that really stood out to me… that is really obvious and simple…was that one of the greatest things we learn from the First Vision is that Heavenly Father is our Father and that He loves us. I didn’t realize how unknown that was and really still is. Because of Joseph’s experience, we know our identity as Heavenly Father’s children. He is our loving Father and when we realize everything He does is because He loves us it changes our perspective. I’m truly grateful for Joseph Smith and his family for listening to promptings, learning from mistakes and sacrificing so much to help prepare the way for the Restoration of Christ’s church on the earth again. 

Third, I am so grateful for our modern day prophet, Russell M. Nelson. These last few years almost feel like a blur from all of the change and preparation we’ve been asked to make and do. I’m so grateful for his fearless leadership and for the strength that has come from listening to him and his guidance. I know that my family is better prepared for the things we will face because we’ve listened to his counsel. We’re certainly not perfectly obedient, but the strength has come even through our shortcomings.

Finally, I’m so grateful for the Book of Mormon. I have really come to love this book. I learn something new every time I read it. As President Nelson has asked us to think about how we #HEARHIM, I have recognized that I hear Him most when I’m consistently reading my scriptures daily. The heavens ARE opened and I am taught so much more than just what I’m reading. What a blessing the Book of Mormon is. 

I’m so grateful to live in this ward and for our bishopric that is leading us with love. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

-Elder Austin Olson-