As announced by the Latter-day Saint Charities, members have the great opportunity to be part of Project Protect, sewing 5 million masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 around the world. Kits of 100 masks will be picked up at select Deseret Industries taken home and sewn and dropped back off. Below is a letter from our Stake Relief Society on how to participate. Sign-up is through the Church’s app JustServe starting April 17.

Dear Presidents:
As Relief Society sisters we have an amazing opportunity to participate in a joint service effort called ProjectProtect. The goal of ProjectProtect is to make 5 million face masks that can then be given to frontline healthcare workers. We will begin on Friday and will continue for the next 5 weeks. 
To accomplish this goal, 10,000 volunteers will be needed each week for the next five weeks. Each participant will be asked to sew, in their homes, 100 pre-cut face masks. Face mask kits will be available to pick-up and drop-off at designated times at select Deseret Industries locations along the Wasatch Front. More information on this project and the required link for participants to sign up can be found at:
Please communicate this opportunity to the sisters in your wards as soon as possible, and encourage them to share this invitation with others they know — friends, neighbors and family. Anyone with a sewing machine and any sewing skills is welcome to participate.
Our individual and collective effort will be greatly appreciated by many who are unknown to us individually. Our efforts will be our way to join a great effort to help provide blessings to others. As Pres. Kimball said: “God does notice us and He watches over us. But it is usually through another mortal that He meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other in the kingdom …”
Your help in spreading the word will be most appreciated. We love you and hope you and your families are safe and well.

The Stake Relief Society Presidency
Margaret Oler
Marian Ertel
Kira Hansen