We are the family history for our future generations so for this month’s challenge write a time capsule to your future.  Whether it is to your future children, your future grandchildren, or whomever you would like to write to.  Ideas are to tell about your life or maybe write your testimony. Also please see the this letter from the Stake about submitting Family File Names to the temple.  You can submit up to 10 names at a time for others to help do the work or if they are going to the temple and don’t have family names, encourage them to go to this file and help to do some of these names. Also below is a link for the Family History Activity Report and to show you how the information is derived, how to read the report, and how to use it as a tool for expanding family history work. https://www.familysearch.org/blog/en/family-history-report-lcr/ Thanks for all your work with your temple and family history.  We appreciate all you do.