Dear Sisters and Brethren,

Please accept this invitation to attend the Westbrook Stake Conference, October 20-21, 2018.

The conference will commence at the Westbrook Stake Center with the Saturday leadership session beginning at 4:00 pm. This leadership session is open to all ward and stake council members with a training emphasis on effective councils and ministering.

Saturday evening adult adult session is open to all members age 18 and older. This session will be held at the Westbrook Stake Center from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm.

Sunday general session is open to all who wish to attend. This session will be held live at the Westbrook Stake Center and closed circuit broadcast into the Westbrook Building. For those unable to attend the conference in person, a home feed broadcast will be available with limited access.

We invite you to prayerfully prepare for the conference through the reading and study of the following verses of scripture:

What is a soul worth? D&C 18:10-16
How did the Nephites see the Lamanites? Alma 26:23-26
How did the sons of Mosiah see the Lamanites? Mosiah 28:1-3

How do you see those you minister to?
What has the spirit directed you to do in regard to ministering?

Additional Scriptures to read and ponder:
Moroni 7:48-49, Mosiah 23:18, John 13:34-35, Matthew 22:37-40, Matthew 25:35-45
Luke 22:32, Alma 15:18, 3Ne.26:19, Gal. 5:13, Mosiah 2:17, D&C 4:2, Deut.15:11, Mosiah
4:16-26, Alma 34:27-28

We look forward to being with you.

West Jordan Westbrook Stake Presidency