Today we discussed President Nelson’s address from the General Women’s Session,  Sisters’ Participation in the Gathering of Israel. These notes are a compilation and summary of the comments made during our Council Meeting. It is not meant to be a complete transcript.  

President Nelson extended four invitations to the women of the church. They are:

First, I invite you to participate in a 10-day fast from social media and from any other media that bring negative and impure thoughts to your mind. Pray to know which influences to remove during your fast. The effect of your 10-day fast may surprise you. What do you notice after taking a break from perspectives of the world that have been wounding your spirit? Is there a change in where you now want to spend your time and energy? Have any of your priorities shifted—even just a little? I urge you to record and follow through with each impression.

Second, I invite you to read the Book of Mormon between now and the end of the year. As impossible as that may seem with all you are trying to manage in your life, if you will accept this invitation with full purpose of heart, the Lord will help you find a way to achieve it. And, as you prayerfully study, I promise that the heavens will open for you. The Lord will bless you with increased inspiration and revelation.

As you read, I would encourage you to mark each verse that speaks of or refers to the Savior. Then, be intentional about talking of Christ, rejoicing in Christ, and preaching of Christ with your families and friends.2 You and they will be drawn closer to the Savior through this process. And changes, even miracles, will begin to happen.

Third, establish a pattern of regular temple attendance. This may require a little more sacrifice in your life. More regular time in the temple will allow the Lord to teach you how to draw upon His priesthood power with which you have been endowed in His temple. For those of you who don’t live near a temple, I invite you to study prayerfully about temples in the scriptures and in the words of living prophets. Seek to know more, to understand more, to feel more about temples than you ever have before.

My fourth invitation, for you who are of age, is to participate fully in Relief Society. I urge you to study the current Relief Society purpose statement. It is inspiring. It may guide you in developing your own purpose statement for your own life. I also entreat you to savor the truths in the Relief Society declaration published almost 20 years ago. A framed copy of this declaration hangs on the wall in the office of the First Presidency. I am thrilled every time I read it. It describes who you are and who the Lord needs you to be at this precise time as you do your part to help gather scattered Israel.”

What are you doing to accept these invitations from President Nelson?
-we all have something we can sacrifice for a time. We should seek the Spirit in knowing what the Lord wants us to do.
-I think the Social Media fast has been given to us again because we missed the point. A lot of us joined the youth in their social media fast, but after, we went right back to our usual habits. If it didn’t change you, you missed the point. It should be something very personal and not something you post about to get congratulated on completing.
-We have fast Sunday every month. Maybe we should have social media fasts more often too. It can help us be removed from the influences of the world, to better see and feel what the Lord wants to teach us, what he wants us to be.
-We should use social media with intention, not just because it is a habit or something to fill our time. This is individual.
-The invitation was not just about social media, but about anything negative.
-Why was this given to just the women? Because the Lord needs us. He needs or strength and example. So even though you may not be on social media all the time or think you have a problem, you can still do this, to be an example and follow the prophet.
-We need to seek personal revelation about each of the challenges President Nelson gave us. If we are humble and ready to be taught by the Lord, he will show us where we can improve. He will take us from where we are and bring us higher, help us be more than we are.

What about our temple attendance? Why do we go to the temple?
-to be taught
-to feel peace, comfort and to find answers
-to do work for our dead
-to make covenants for ourselves and receive those blessings
-to have eternal life and eternal family relationships

Many sisters shared very personal experiences about the temple.
-When I go to the temple I feel an amazing Spirit. I come out feeling like a new woman. It is important to take time for myself in the Lord’s house, to feel and think.
-When we were sealed there were many people who were a part of getting us there, they helped answer my prayers and the prayers of my family. I knew that day, that through the atonement of Christ our family would improve and be blessed.
-My grandmother was physically unable to attend the temple, it was too difficult. But she made it to her grandchildren’s’ sealings and she always kept a current temple recommend. She knew how important that was.
-When I went to the temple I was sad that my grandparents could not be there, as they had recently passed away. But I felt that they were there, I could feel their presence in the temple. I love being in the temple, feeling apart from the world and peaceful.
-My first time in the temple, in the Celestial Room, my dad leaned over and whispered, “Want to know the best part of being in the temple?” I was sure he would say something spiritual, but he said, “The Mexican food after!” This is a tradition for my family, it is important to us. And that is what the temple is about, bringing families together, for eternity. The temple is all about families.

What will you do to establish a pattern of regular temple attendance?
-we should decide what is regular for us personally and do whatever helps us get there.
-you can go with a group.
-you can put it on your calendar and commit to going on that day and not let anything stop you, because stuff will always come up!
-You should remember the excuses will always be there. We may say there is a time and a season for everything, like it’s hard to go when you have a baby, yes, but the time and season for the temple is now, it is always time for the temple.
-when we want to make excuses we should ask for help. Be willing to humbly say, “I can’t do this without you, my sisters.” We can help each other, support each other.
-Our ward had sealing groups already set up. If you are part of one, you should be sure to attend. If you want to be part of a group you can talk to the bishopric.
-We are all different and one thing won’t work for all of us. Some of us need to go with a group, some will want to go to the sealing groups, some will go with their husband, some will go alone. There are a lot of possibilities and options.

Please ask yourself: What is my commitment to God and how will I keep it?

We know you will be blessed as you seek personal revelation and strive to accept President Nelson’s invitations. We can be fiercely faithful women. We can find peace and purpose in the temple.