Today we continued our discussion of President and Sister Nelson’s devotional address  “Hope of Israel.” These notes are a compilation and summary of the comments made during our Council Meeting. It is not meant to be a complete transcript.  

Our Relief Society Presidency has felt the need to take time to focus on President Nelson’s words. If it is important for our youth to understand and participate in the Gathering of Israel, it is important for us as well.

The 10th Article of Faith reads:

“We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.”

President Nelson said:

“My dear extraordinary youth, you were sent to earth at this precise time, the most crucial time in the history of the world, to help gather Israel. There is nothing happening on this earth right now that is more important than that. There is nothing of greater consequence. Absolutely nothing.

This gathering should mean everything to you. This is the mission for which you were sent to earth.”

What is the gathering?

  • The people of the lost tribes aren’t literally lost, but their identities have been lost. The gathering of Israel restores to them their identities.
  • It is extending and strengthening the stake of Zion.
  • It is gathering in our families, gathering in our tribes.
  • We are gathered to the gospel of Christ, not necessarily to one place.

President Nelson said:

“[T]he gathering of Israel ultimately means offering the gospel of Jesus Christ to God’s children on both sides of the veil who have neither made crucial covenants with God nor received their essential ordinances.”

(Further reading: The Gathering of Scattered Israel, President Nelson, October 2006 General Conference)

What does the gathering mean to you?

  • Do we know what it means to receive the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? To really understand it we need to study it and attend the temple. We aren’t going to get it today in this room. We can’t spend all our time on the basics, we need to study, go deeper. Then we can help the youth understand too.

Are you willing to help gather Israel? What would you be willing to do? What would you sacrifice? What do you want to start doing or stop doing so you can participate in the gathering?

  • If you have accepted a calling in the church you are participating within that sphere of responsibility.
  • Gather your lineage. Know your family, do what work you can.
  • Perhaps the gathering starts in your own family, in your own home. Do we see others as deserving of a second chance, that their lives are also precious to God?
  • With family, the most important thing is to love them and pray for them. We don’t have to love what they are doing, but we love them.
  • Nurturing relationships with family is difficult and takes time. We can go to the temple and in a short amount of time perform ordinances for others and feel good about our service. It can be harder to maintain relationships with our family, especially if they are negative toward the gospel. This takes trusting the Lord and hoping for good things to come.
  • We can be a good example and trust in the Lord as we love those closest to us.

How is our temple attendance? Does it require sacrifice?

  • One sister was invited to go to the temple but didn’t feel she could make it because of family responsibilities. The sister who invited her said, “There will always be kids, there will always be dogs.” Meaning, there will always be things that could keep us from the temple, excuses, difficulties, and road blocks.
  • We think we are a church going people, but are we a temple going people? We should be.

What keeps us from going to the temple?

  • It is hard to fit it in our schedules.
  • Our recommends expire.
  • We don’t have anyone to go with.
  • There is not time.
  • We are out of the habit.
  • We need to make going to the temple a priority.

What can you do to fit it in your schedule?

  • Suggestions from the sisters: get up early; find someone to go with you so you are held accountable; take the opportunity to clean the temple; do initiatory or sealings; take your kids to do baptisms; take your kids to see the temple; walk around the temple grounds.
  • Of course, to be participating in the gathering of Israel we need to actually go inside and do the work! But giving our children an example is important.

Final questions to ponder:

  1. What would it take to get each of us into the temple more?
  2. What you had experiences that have taught you the importance of the temple?
  3. Have you had trauma or trial in your your life that has turned you to the Lord and the temple?
  4. What about those you minister to? Are they on the covenant path? How can you help them?

We are all God’s children and he wants us all to come home. Study President Nelson’s words, ponder them. Consider what you can do to follow the prophet in this matter.

President Nelson: “It is my testimony that when we follow through with whatever the prophet of God asks us to do, the way will be opened and lives will be changed.”